Aims and Scope

The aim of the Journal of Preventive counseling is to welcome the publishing of work that sets trends and provokes new methods and innovations in the practice and understanding of counseling and, psychotherapy.  The journal seeks to communicate, enrich and promote theory, research, policy, and practice in the said fields and prevention. Manuscripts are published under three broad headings:

(a) Counseling and psychotherapy,

(b) First, second and third levels of preventive strategies in counseling and clinical psychology,

(c) Career counseling and career development.

We eagerly welcome theoretical and empirical papers relating to the practice of counseling, psychotherapy, and allied fields. Theoretical research papers may use quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods and may range in scope from large-scale surveys to individual case studies with samples drawn from a broad variety of contexts. The Journal of Preventive Counseling seeks to enhance the development, scientific quality, and social relevance of counseling and psychotherapy research and to foster the use of research findings in practice, education, and policy formulation.

The original research on all aspects of psychotherapy including its outcomes, processes, education of practitioners, and delivery of services will be published in JPC and also the following challenges are welcomed:

  • Original empirical research papers,
  • Theoretical and methodological research papers,
  • Review articles.

The journal is committed to promoting international communication by addressing an international and interdisciplinary audience and welcomes submissions dealing with:

  • Preventive models and strategies,
  • Diverse theoretical orientations (e.g., psychodynamic, cognitive, behavioral, humanistic, experiential, and systems approach)
  • Treatment modalities (e.g., individual, group, couples, and family)
  • Research paradigms (e.g., quantitative, qualitative, clinical trials, process studies, outcome prediction, systematic case studies, measure development, and meta-analyses).

Other related topics are:

  • Literary Therapy (Poetry Psycho Treatment)
  • Contribution of Literature to Best Consolation 
  • Novel and Psychological Theories 
  • Play and its psychological Merits
  • Psychology and Children's Literature
  • Teaching Psychology through Literature 
  • Literature Prevents Psychological Problems
  • Psycho-Literary Interdisciplinary Studies 
  • Literature and Psycho-social Conflicts
  • Literary Adoption a Solution for Socio-cultural Hindrances