The Effectiveness of Transactional Analysis on Marital Quality and Positive Thinking of Married Women

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master of General Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Unit, Humanities Building, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD in General Psychology, Department of Psychology, Islamic Azad University of Karaj, Karaj, Iran.



Aim: Marriage is a social institution that forms the foundation of relationships and creates family units. The present study was conducted to examine the effect of transactional analysis on marital quality and positive thinking of married women in District 6 of Tehran in 2020.
Methods: This quasi-experimental research was conducted with a pretest-posttest design and included a control group. Among the married women in the 6th district of Tehran who had enrolled in the Institute of Transactional Analysis Training, 34 individuals were selected using Purposive sampling, with 17 randomly assigned to the experimental group and 17 to the control group. The marital quality and positive thinking questionnaires were administered to subjects in the experimental group during the pretest phase, followed by implementing the independent variable (transactional analysis) in the experimental group through 9 three-hour sessions. The control group did not receive any training. After the final session, both groups completed the marital quality and positive thinking questionnaires in the post-test phase. The SPSS 19 software was utilized to conduct the covariance analysis test to analyze the data.
Results: The value of F indicates the effect of transactional analysis training on marital quality (F=533.862; P=0.017), and positive thinking (F=14.67; P=0.001) demonstrates the impact of transactional analysis training on positive thinking and marital quality is confirmed after controlling for pretest effects and nuisance variables.
Conclusion:This study reveals that transactional analysis impacts marital quality and positive thinking of married women. One of the most crucial functions of training is the ability to express one's needs to the spouse, leading to improvement in marital quality, specifically by reducing stress and anger. Additionally, by helping individuals identify and manage their emotions, transactional analysis training can help control negative emotions and improve their overall outlook, increasing positive thinking. This positive thinking, achieved through transactional analysis training, can improve individuals' mental and emotional well-being and reconstruct their damaged spirits.
